Hi there.

My name is Andrew Wynd, founder of Freestyle Feet. I am an Australian Physiotherapist (Physical Therapist) with a post graduate Masters of Sports Physiotherapy and a passion for helping people solve their foot and ankle problems.

This passion began almost 20 years ago when I began working with some of Melbourne's most respected foot and ankle surgeons. Learning all about the feet, ankle and the lower limb began an obsession. This was combined with my own athletic pursuits as I spent 10 years as an elite athlete representing Australia Internationally on the Australian Cross Country Ski Team.

years of experience

Leading Expert Shares Secrets

Whilst I became an expert at diagnosing, assessing and treating all sorts of foot and ankle complaints, I had never really had any major injuries to that part of my body (except for a few stress fractures...). That all changed when racing my last race in Canada, which happened to be a 15km freestyle skiing race. I had borrowed a team mate's boots and could not fit my normal racing orthotics in them. I rounded an uphill turn, caught a ski and WHAM! Something in my foot felt like it had exploded! 10 years on, countless opinions later and I learned something really important. No one could diagnose my injury, let alone know how to fix it.

It was time to treat myself and search for my own solutions. My journey has increased my knowledge and clinical skills ten-fold, but most importantly I discovered a real need for products and solutions to help people solve their OWN foot and ankle pain.

great products for your feet

Our Mission

  1. To share the secrets through innovative products and programs I have purposely sourced and designed to help more people.
  2. To educate other health professionals to a level where they can then in turn help even more people in their clinics and hospitals.

Should you have any specific enquiries about our products, you're welcome to get in touch with our Founder Andrew Wynd, by emailing him at info@freestylefeet.com.au.It is important to keep in mind however that Andrew is unable to provide clinical tailored advice to your particular condition. For personalised guidance we recommend seeking the expertise of your healthcare professional.

father - athlete - entrepreneur

37,000 Lives Impacted & Counting

When I was only working in the clinic, I could only see 10 or 15 people every day, whereas now I’ve been able to help 1000s across the world. We have people from all over sending in emails and posting comments, needing our help. It still blows me away how big of a problem foot pain is worldwide, and how many people are starved for accessible solutions.

Our mission at Freestyle Feet is pretty straightforward – we take the complicated, intricate medical knowledge about treating foot pain, and make it accessible to regular people through our products, guides, and courses.